Hi! I’m Kim.
I have always been a very sensitive person. My mother used to tell me that she remembers me at three years old looking out for an elderly woman to make sure she didn’t trip. Around the age of 6, the door to my bedroom used to move. My mother took me to the doctor to make sure nothing was wrong with my eyesight.
At the age of eighteen, my grandfather was the first loved one in my life who had passed whose presence I saw and felt. Over the years, many Spirits have visited me. All but one has been light-and love-filled. With encouragement from dear friends, I have created space for my mediumship skills to grow.
I read many books, consulted several shamans and mediums, and did a lot of Internet research before discovering the Arthur Findlay College of Spiritualism and Psychic Sciences in the UK. Since then, I’ve taken several courses at the College, including a six-day, in-person intensive course. The in-person course affirmed my mediumship skills and gave me to the confidence to launch Rock River Spirit Connections. That said, one’s mediumship practice—like one’s spiritual development—is always changing, expanding, and becoming more refined with experience and more study.
If you have any questions, please email me at kim@rockriverspiritconnections.net. I don’t think there’s any such thing as a silly question, so ask away! I look forward to hearing from you.
And please remember: You are an inherently Divine person. You don’t have to look outside yourself to discover the Divine. You just have to remember to look inside your heart and soul, which are in plain sight.